Mount EXPANSION DISC.ISO Go to My computer - BD-ROM Drive - Open Setup.exe Click “Upgrade to Lord of Destruction (800MB)”. Mount PLAY DISC.ISO when prompted, then Click OK. SHOW COMMENTS (260) HIDE COMMENTS (260) yippe Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on May 4, 2017 - 5:05pm.

Good Day,
I just installed Diablo II and LoD with the hard-drive option that does not require CDs to play. I also applied the v1.12a patch. My installed platform is Windows XP Professional SP-3 and I am using a Dell Latitude D600. I traveled this week leaving my CDs at home only to be greeted in my hotel with an error when launching the game. The error is: Insert Expansion disc. I have 11 .mpq files within my Diablo II directory. What is preventing me from playing this game without having a disc?
Please make sure your Diablo 2 Expansion Disc is in your CD-ROM drive, then click reply

If you are a gamer like me then you have encountered a problem like this, not necessarily for the Diablo game but for most games that come as an ISO file. Well I have a little secret that can help you play this games without inserting a disk or burning your game to a CD or DVD. This secret also allows those that have mini-laptops (which don’t have a CD/DVD drives) to play those games without any problems. Follow the steps below:

First you need to download a software known as:
Virtual Clone Drive: This software can create a single or multiple virtual CD/DVD drives on your computer.
Download virtual clone drive from here and install it.
The instructions to install it are self explanatory so you are unlikely to encounter any problems. When prompted for the number of drives, choose 1 and press ok.
N.b you must have the ISO of your game stored somewhere in your computer.You must also Install the game.
When you want to play the game follow the steps below:
Go to where you’ve stored your game ISO file.
Right Click on the ISO file.

Choose the option Mount with Virtual Clone Drive.
Download Diablo 2 Pc
Go your game application and click it and bam! your game will play.
Diablo 2 With Expansion Download
I have tried this method for several games and it works all the time.
Diablo 2 Expansion Pc
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